Why have a CSR policy?
Because voluntary and creative initiatives can pay off in both economic and environmental terms, MTL has drafted its environmental policy.
The latter considers the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the rational use of consumption and consumables as priority areas of work. In the continuity of the above, MTL integrates in its commercial offers, in addition to the technical and economic parameters, parameters in favor of Sustainable Development.
Some Examples:
- Audit & analysis (logistic engineering) to limit the number of kilometers and/or optimize the load factor, Multi-client shipments: one truck for several clients
- Fleet with EURO 5 and EURO 6 engines, Fuel saving equipment, …. The Service Offer (ECO)²
- A concerted offer based on a Multipurpose Vehicle
- Technical support in an approach that is both ecologically and economically favorable.
CO2 target
The CO2 target is an ideal tool for environmental management.
Technical data
The CO2 objective method is a starting point for prioritizing greenhouse gas emissions and for initiating a process to reduce emissions.
The added value of the CO2 target lies in its comprehensive approach that allows for the investigation of often overlooked items.
This holistic approach allows for new requirements to be made of suppliers, accompanied by cost reductions for the organization.
Implementing reduction actions often linked to lower energy consumption allows for economic gains and a reduction in its vulnerability to changes in fossil fuel costs.
Reproducibility factor
The CO2 objective is a greenhouse gas accounting tool that can be adapted to any type of activity: industrial or tertiary companies, communities…
Findings (awareness & concrete actions MTL)
- Purchase of “clean” vehicles (euro5), already 80% of the fleet
- MTL Trainer in Rational and Economic Driving (Eco driving)
- Challenge consommation
- Speed reduction
- ECO² commercial offer
- MP actions – Employee information: promotion of public transport and cycling (bicycle shelter)
- Control and management of consumables and consumption (water/energy)
Our environmental ambitions
- Preserve the environment
- Respect for the interests of customers and putting them at the center of its concerns.
- Loyalty and responsibility in the marketplace
- The fundamental rights of people
- Protecting employees
- Promoting diversity
- Use cleaner energy
- Fighting corruption
- Close collaboration with our suppliers.